Here you can find all bus timetables in our area
Bus timetables
Ski bus village (Waidring)
Stops: Gasthof Strub, Brandtnerhof, camping site, Unterwasser, village center Waidring, gondola lift, Schredergasse, Stöcklweg to Mühltal
Arena Express
Stops: St. Johann Bergbahn, St. Johann Bahnhof, Kirchdorf, Erpfendorf Ort, Lärchenhof, Waidring Gondelbahn
Ski bus Pillerseetal
Gondola lift and all stops between Hochfilzen, Fieberbrunn, St. Jakob, St. Ulrich to Waidring
Ski bus Lofer 4012
Travels to the Lofer Tourist Office and back, from the gondola lift junction stop
Stops: all between the gondola lift junction and the Lofer Tourist Office